
More Celebrity Name-Dropping From Vegas

Sitting backstage at the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon, grabbing a little lunch (plus all the performers were back there, so it’s a revolving door of celebrities). John Tesh and his wife, Connie Selleca (sproing!) sit down at the table with me, and they’re very gracious, polite and unfairly good-looking. Then, like something out of a movie, Liza Minelli comes bounding over to our table, complete with the scarf/boa around her neck to say hello (uh, not to me, at least not at first).

She sits down, looks very much like Liza Minelli is supposed to look and fires up a smoke. I’m thinking real hard about what I should say (while she’s probably wondering who the scruffy-looking slob in the leather HD shirt is and why he’s here and not bussing a table somewhere). When we make eye contact, I struggle to mouth something so I just say, “Hello it’s nice to see you,” and she says, “Oh! You’re wonderful!” What does a person say after that? All I could think was, “I wish my mother could see this.” Some people are famous. And very few exude an inexplicable aura of super fame. She’s very much in the latter. I don’t know how or why it works. But trust me, it does. It just does.

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